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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published December 2023
M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art

Olzhas Zholdybayev

PhD student

Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University

In the article, the transformation and change of the “Syngsu” ritual due to the rapid realization of the globalization process were revealed. The purpose of the scientific research is to analyze the parting of the divorced girl with her family, siblings, country, and relatives. Also, differentiation of the girl's internal emotions, feelings, and mood as the main directions and ideas. Poetic parallelism was used as a research methodology. At the same time, typological similarities and differences were briefly described. The development of social networks and the Internet was considered the main reason for the main results of the scientific article. Analyses of “Syngsu” poems of the 19th and 20th centuries and their appearance in today's public consciousness were made. The girl who was married earlier performed her wedding ceremony herself. Nowadays, a special toas, or “party host,” has appeared for the “Syngsu” speaker. This is a clear proof of the transformation of the “Syngsu” ritual in the 21st century. In the course of the research, these ideas are discussed, differentiated, and summarized in the context of literature, folklore, ethnography, and an analytical direction.

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How to Cite

Жолдыбаев, О. and Туна, Ю. 2023. TODAY’S VIEW OF THE “SYNGSU” RITE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 86, 4 (Dec. 2023), 40–46. DOI: