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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published December 2023

Dariga Toluspaeva

Karaganda Buketov University, M.Sc.

Karaganda Buketov University

Galiya Sarzhanova

PhD., Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of foreign language training, Foreign languages Faculty


The scientific article is devoted to the study of the linear-syntagmatic form of a word form and its influence on the degree of its separability in the context of a comparative analysis of the morphology and syntax of the English and Kazakh languages. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study aimed at identifying the correlation between the morphological and syntactic fea-tures of word forms in both languages. The relevance of this study is due not only to scientific interest in the comparative analysis of language structures, but also to its practical significance for teaching and translation. Studying the linear-syntagmatic form of a word form helps linguists and translators to more deeply understand the features of the language, which in turn facilitates the process of translation and language learn-ing. The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of linear-syntagmatic structure on the degree of separability of word forms in the English and Kazakh languages. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to analyze the linear and syntagmatic features of word forms, to identify sim-ilarities and differences between the English and Kazakh languages, to determine the influence of morphology and syntax on the degree of separability of word forms. The research is based on extensive linguistic material, including text corpora and linguistic resources of both languages. The methodology includes comparative analysis of morphological and syntactic structures, as well as the use of corpus data to support conclusions. The scientific novelty of this work lies in identifying the influence of the linear-sytagmatic structure on the degree of separability of word forms in the English and Kazakh languages. Similarities and differences between languages are discussed, as well as their practical implications for teaching and translation.

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How to Cite

Толуспаева, Д. and Саржанова, Ғ. 2023. LINEAR-SYNTAGMATIC FORM OF A WORD FORM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE DEGREE OF ITS SEPARABILITY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 86, 4 (Dec. 2023), 5–16. DOI: