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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published November 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Kalbike Yessenova

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor


The article is intended to identify changes in the TV and radio language of Kazakhstan during the pandemic, new uses in the language, their frequency, and their impact on the consciousness of the language speaker and it was written within the framework of a scientific project on the topic IRN AP14870178 (State Registration number 0122RK00597) "Language content of the Kazakh society: Changes andinnovations (pandemic period; 2020-2022)". In comparison with the written text, it is important to study the stylistic features of speech in the language of electronic media based on audio-visual means, the reflection of changes in society on the internet, its reflection in the form of metaphors in television and radio discourse, and identify the causes of the problems that have become most relevant in recent years. It is known that during the pandemic, the role of radio and television, which have already played a certain role in the cultural life of the people, has increased. Any information disseminated through radio and television, which has become the official source of information for the "closed" public, as if cut off from the outside world, the new concepts and terms mentioned are repeated daily and firmly established in the linguistic consciousness. Thus, the new names related to COVID-19 and the quarantine regime entered our vocabulary as special language units describing the use of language during the pandemic period. In connection with this, there is a need to consider the representation of metaphors in the electronic media that appeared and formed in the TV and radio discourse during the pandemic from a pragmalinguistic aspect.

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