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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences

Linguodidactic aspects of the study of lexical borrowings

Published June 2023
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sametova F.T.

In this article we consider the basic concepts revealing lexical borrowings from the point of view of the main linguistic and didactic aspects. In general, the analysis of literary and educational materials shows that the degree of mastering a borrowed word in Russian (as in any other) the language and the Russian speech are different and depend on the level of their assimilation. The leading sign of the ratio of the degrees of mastering a borrowed word in speech and in language is a sign of semantic assimilation, which is directly related to the number of mastered meanings included in a new polysemous word, their correct interpretation and the presence of possible other stable meanings in them. The main linguistic and didactic aspects are defined as: linguistic phenomena of the language of study, which students meet for the first time at a certain stage of learning; language material used to create and develop students' ability to compare linguistic phenomena available in their native language and in the language of study. Also, important aspects of the teaching methodology are language skills and skills used for the development of oral and written speech; the content of texts having a linguistic and cultural orientation; language skills and skills acquired through the use of textbooks, textbooks, and when learning a language independently. Using them in the study of borrowed vocabulary allows you to conduct the learning process effectively. It is recommended to explain the borrowed word in the learning process, introduce the original meanings, select more modern texts for classes and make more interesting lexical exercises based on them.

Keywords: language, linguistics, borrowed words, vocabulary, borrowed vocabulary, linguodidactic, linguodidactic aspects



In this article we consider the basic concepts revealing lexical borrowings from the point of view of the main linguistic and didactic aspects. In general, the analysis of literary and educational materials shows that the degree of mastering a borrowed word in Russian (as in any other) the language and the Russian speech are different and depend on the level of their assimilation. The leading sign of the ratio of the degrees of mastering a borrowed word in speech and in language is a sign of semantic assimilation, which is directly related to the number of mastered meanings included in a new polysemous word, their correct interpretation and the presence of possible other stable meanings in them. The main linguistic and didactic aspects are defined as: linguistic phenomena of the language of study, which students meet for the first time at a certain stage of learning; language material used to create and develop students' ability to compare linguistic phenomena available in their native language and in the language of study. Also, important aspects of the teaching methodology are language skills and skills used for the development of oral and written speech; the content of texts having a linguistic and cultural orientation; language skills and skills acquired through the use of textbooks, textbooks, and when learning a language independently. Using them in the study of borrowed vocabulary allows you to conduct the learning process effectively. It is recommended to explain the borrowed word in the learning process, introduce the original meanings, select more modern texts for classes and make more interesting lexical exercises based on them.

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How to Cite

Саметова Ф.Т. and Дәуренбек Қ.М. 2023. Linguodidactic aspects of the study of lexical borrowings. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 81 (Jun. 2023), 13–21. DOI: