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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Almaty Technologikal univercity, Almaty, Kazakhstan

L. Bugenova

candidate of philological sciences

Kazakh Аcademy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan

G. Kalambayeva

candidate of pedagogical Sciences


The article deals with the problems of functioning of the state language in advertising texts as a social phenomenon that affects the development of language, forming moral and spiritual values among the younger generation. The penetration of advertising slogans into the speech of recipients is noted, which confirms the role of advertising influence on the development and functioning of the language. The Kazakh language as a state language tends to expand the boundaries of functioning, as with the adoption of the law "on advertising" there was a tendency of growth of broadcasting of advertising on television channels, on radio, on billboards, in ads in the Kazakh language. Advertising carries aesthetic and cultural content, and is an indicator of the development of language, a means of introducing new words and expressions, by testing their viability in everyday life. Linguists note the presence of lexical, phonetic, grammatical and syntactic errors in advertising texts in the Kazakh language. S. Asanbayeva, G. Soltanbekova, T. Tilegenov, M. Koishygulov, D. Kozhambetov, S. Asylbekov believe that as a result of such facts in advertising in the Kazakh language is defective ("zharymzhanzharnama").

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How to Cite

Бугенова , Л. and Каламбаева, Г. 2021. PUBLICATION OF TEXTS AS A DOCUMENTARY DEVELOPER OF THE STATE LANGUAGE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 40–44. DOI: