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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

O. Imangali

doctoral student, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The great writer Nesipbek Dauitayuly occupies a special place in our literature. Evidence of this is the owner of many literary awards, a sought-after writer. The writer's works, written in the years following independence, are valuable because the problems of Kazakh society are rooted in them. One of the main tasks of the writer is to familiarize himself with the work of national interest. The author takes upon himself the story “Айғыркісі”, which makes this task the main one in terms of content. The article provides an analytical analysis of the story of the writer “Айғыркісі”, based on the laws of the theory of literature. The study of the subject matter, content and form of the story, the system of artistic images, plot and composition, the language of the work, the use of means of expression, grinding has been carried out. The story analyzes the details of modernist, folklore, magical motives. The ways of presenting the author's concept and trends are analyzed. The author explains the purpose of the use of human-animal contact in a work of art. The analysis of the characters helpless aesthetics is carried out. The ways of conveying the concept of good and evil in the content of the story are analyzed. Thus, they determined the aesthetic value, the artistic world, and the stylistic nature of the narrative.      

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How to Cite

Иманғали O. 2021. THE ARTISTIC WORLD OF NESIPBEK DAUITAYULY’S STORY “АЙҒЫРКІСІ”. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 233–239. DOI: