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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Leading Scientist of Sheki Regional Center of Science, Azerbaijan Republic, Sheki

K. Adishirinov

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Sheki Regional Research Center, Sheki City, Azerbaijan


In the scientific article, the author examines the works of Ismail bey Nakam. The first studies on the life and work of Ismail bey Nakam were written by literary critics, contemporaries of the poet. From the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, there was insufficient information about him in a number of published works, and only a few lines from his poems were given.

For many years, his work remained in the shadows. Ali Nazim, F Kasimzadeh subjectively treated the legacy of Nakam and his repetition of the works of Nizami and Fuzuli. However, truthfully evaluating the poet Y. Piriyeva, Sadi Efendiyev, Aliabbas Muznib, B. Akhundov, and the Turkish scientist Agah Sirri Levend revealed the essence of his work and came to the right conclusion. In the studies of these scholars, Nakam stands out as a worthy successor to the artistic traditions of Nizami and Fuzuli.

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How to Cite

Адиширинов , К.Ф. 2021. TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERARY CRITICISM OF NAKAMA: OBJECTIVE AND ERRONEOUS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 182–187. DOI: