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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Kazakh national women's pedagogical university, Kazakhstan, Almaty

А. Г. Sembaeva

сandidate of рhilological sciences, acting professor, Kazakh national women's pedagogical university, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Kazakh national women's pedagogical university, Kazakhstan, Almaty

G. Eskemesova

master, senior lecturer, Kazakh national women's pedagogical university, Almaty, Kazakhstan.



The article considers a new method of analysis of the poetic text and defines the property of the language of poetry to influence the human consciousness, including on the basis of hypnotic language patterns and sensory predicates. The poetic neuro-linguistic power of poetic speech is also described. The theoretical and practical significance of neuro-linguistic program research is considered. In the content point of view, the classification of the program neuro-linguistic prisoners and read their poems goal. factors of influence of poetry on the listener from the neuro-linguistic point of view are revealed. The main differences between the neuro-linguistic direction and others are highlighted and translated into the property of influencing the content of communication in the process of communication between people. The interrelation of psychological actions, such as speech and thinking, memory, psycholinguistic and communicative features of poetic language, their influence on the psychology of communicants are considered. The scientific conclusions of scientists about the magical and neuro-linguistic power of poetic language are considered.

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How to Cite

Сембаева , А.Г. and Ескермесова , .Г.А. 2021. NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMATIC NATURE OF POETIC LANGUAGE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 155–162. DOI: