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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh Academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpaeva

B. Таnsykbayevа

Candidate of Philology Sciences, dosent


G. Каlambаeva

Kazakh Academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpaeva


Expanding the scope of the native language is a problem that requires constant attention. Knowledge of the language culture, continuous enrichment of the individual's vocabulary, the ability to use the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Kazakh people-should be required from every person who studies the Kazakh language. The beginning of the path to language culture is the ability to speak culturally and oratory. The article talks about the role of oratory in life, the importance of conscious selection of language tools in the formation of speech culture among young people. It also considers ways to increase the expressiveness of speech, raises questions about the methods and ways of developing the culture of speech, the structure of speech ethics. Speaking about the reasons for non-compliance with speech culture, the authors indicate their elimination. They come to the conclusion that in order to improve the culture of speech skills, it is necessary to use the media of the language correctly.

pdf. (Қаз)


How to Cite

Таңсықбаева , Б. and Қаламбаева , Г. 2021. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CULTURE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(71) (Jun. 2021), 640–645. DOI: