This article is about early education of English to children, with the help of fairy tales and songs. Fairy tale is best to the age children’s characteristics of learning a foreign language, helps to develop their memory, thinking, attention and imagination. The article describes the experience and conclusions of various psychologists and teachers, examines the various positions of linguists. In this article various fairy tales and songs are offered, that are well received by children at an early stage. It is said, that this method is not fully studied, not enough evidence for making final or definite solution, but still there are good results in improvement of learning a foreign language.
fairy tales, songs, lifelong education, the English language, early education, trilingualism
How to Cite
Ayazbayeva А., Аldaberdy A. and Kabdenova, A. 2021. EARLY LEARNING OF ENGLISH WITH FAIRY TALES, SONGS. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 593–597. DOI: