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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zh. Abeldaev.

РһD student, KazNU named after al-Farabi,Almaty, Kazakhstan


The Turkish historical novel has a history of birth, formation and development. It developed closely related to its historical reality.

If the prose patterns based on the first historical novels were reflected in the medieval classical prose of the Turks, then it was formed in the nineteenth century in the literary period of the Tanzimat on the basis of European prose. Therefore, the genesis of the historical novel of the Turks was based not only in the XIX century, but also in medieval Divan literature and folk tales.

Due to the fact that the XIX century saw significant changes in world culture, Anatolian Turkish literature did not lag behind this process. Major reforms in the Ottoman society of the XIX century also covered cultural and literary aspects. In particular, they have undergone a major cultural and literary modernization. For the first time, the Ottoman society is approaching European civilization. In some cases, he even wanted to show his Imperial character. However, in this context, the elements of Western culture began to enter into the Turkish culture.

Based on the cultural modernization of the Turks, literary processes went through a difficult period. But, despite the fact that the historical novel of the Turks in this period was particularly in demand, and therefore it aroused the interest of Turkish writers. In the literary period of the Tanzimat, the first historical novels adopted the rules of the Western model, but the historical truth was connected only with the reality of the Ottoman Empire.

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