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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,

S. Zhirenov

сandidate of philological Sciences, associated Professor, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article examines the relationship between man and the bird world in the mythical period between the past and the present from a linguocognitive point of view. Cultural semantics of mythical texts with the participation of ornithonyms makes it possible to analyze the linguistic picture of the world in the worldview of an ethnic group. In the research work, a thesaurus of logical, cognitive, mythological, poetic, and linguistic sets of models was formed in well-established precedent texts devoted to ornithonyms, including Samruk kus and Kumai. The article notes that the language units created by means of ornithonyms in Kazakh mythology are closely related to the worldview, culture, psychology, and traditions of the ethnic group. One of the categories that reflect the national identity of an ethnic group is the mythical, national, and folk idea of ornithonyms. It is widely shown that the huge potential of linguistics is determined by the close interaction of other disciplines, such as anthropology, cognition, psychology, philosophy, and mythology.

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How to Cite

Жиренов , С. 2021. LANGUAGE PICTURE OF ORNITHONYMS IN KAZAKH MYTHOLOGY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 48–53. DOI: