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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Abai  Kazakh Nati onali ty Uni versi ty

Е . Yesbossynov

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Kazakh National Pedagogical University of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Uni versi ty of Forei gn Language and Busi ness Career

J. Suleymenova

Master's Degree, Senior Lecturer, University of Foreign Language and Business Career


The use of Turkic languages, includi ng phraseologi caluni ts in Kazakh and Turki h, and their reflecti on in the works of art (belle letters) are presented on the basis of separate themati c examples. Phraseologi sms and proverbs are provided with examples i n the context of thei r use i n Turki sh and other Turki c languages, includi ng the background of data analysi s i n Kazakh. Accordi ng to the novel "Katpa Mamed", publi shed i n the 80 - ies of the last century, borrowed stable phrases, onomasti c names and proverbs are i ndi vi dual examples-quotes that tell about the nati onal color, hi stori cal and educati onal are recommended in principle. I n this context, many vocabulary uni ts in the Kazakh and Turkish languages belong to the common Turkic vocabulary characteri zed by the fact that i t is characteri stic and histori cally has a common cognitive category.

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How to Cite

Есбосынов , Е. and Cулейменова Ж. 2021. ETHNOLI NGUI STI C CHARACTER OF KAZAKH-TURKI SH PHRASEOLOGI CAL UNI TS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 44–48. DOI: