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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences

IMMUNITY OF RESISTANCE OF KAZAKHIZED LEXIC INNOVATIONS TO ANOTHER LANGUAGE INFLUENCE (based on the educati onal content of the general educati on system)

Published July 2021
Mahambet Utemi sov West Kazakhstan Uni versity 

K. Aldasheva

PhD, Mahambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University,Uralsk, Kazakhstan


Due to the moderni zati on of publi c consci ousness and transi ti on to a new Kazakh alphabet based on Lati n graphi cs, i t becomes relevant to consi der the process of Kazakh lexi cal i nnovati ons self-organi zati on i n a person’s mental lexi con. Summi ng up and sci enti fi c and practi cal systemati zati on of lexi cal i nnovati ons that have appeared over the last quarter of a century wi ll contri bute to the i mplementati on of the pri ori ti es of language poli cy i n Kazakhstan i ncludi ng the followi ng: i mprovement of the lexi cal fund of the Kazakh language; uni fi cati on and codi fi cati on of lexi cal i nnovati ons; successful formati on of a nati onal body of the Kazakh language; defi ni ti on of methodologi cal bases of studyi ng lexi cal i nnovati ons by students and development of methodologi cal system for speci ali zed school wi ll help to i mprove and standardi ze the state language teachi ng methodology; i ncrease of the demand for the state language. Assessment of the i mmuni ty of resi stance of the Kazakh language to forei gn language i nfluence requi res an analysi s of Kazakh lexi cal i nnovati ons i n the educati onal content of the general educati onal system. The arti cle analyzes Kazakh lexi cal i nnovati ons i n the educati onal content of the general educati on system.

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How to Cite

Алдашева , К. 2021. IMMUNITY OF RESISTANCE OF KAZAKHIZED LEXIC INNOVATIONS TO ANOTHER LANGUAGE INFLUENCE (based on the educati onal content of the general educati on system). BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 24–32. DOI: