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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

А. Aldash

doctor of Philology, professor, сhief Researcher A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics


One of the important problems put forward by the language policy and language strategy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of the spelling rules of the Kazakh language based on the new romanized alphabet. In this regard, taking into account the internal specifics of the language, active work is being carried out to update the spelling of the native Kazakh and borrowed words. Of particular relevance is borrowing, incl. phrases formed by tracing. The need to study this layer of borrowings also lies in the fact that traced word combinations are characterized by close relationships between word formation and the syntactic structure of the Kazakh language. As a result of such relations, composite nominative units are created that are semantically integral, stylistically neutral and functionally equal to a single word. When creating such phrases, productive word-forming formants (-лық / -лік and -лы / -лі) are involved, which have common functional meanings. In connection with the synonymy of the meanings of the formants in written communication, spelling variants of compound names appear. Spelling discrepancy is also observed in the terminological corpus of the Kazakh language.

This article is devoted to the study of ways and methods of unification, codification of semantically integral compound names created by tracing and adding synonymous word-formation formants to the motivating component.

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How to Cite

Алдаш, А. 2021. SPELLING TERMS CONDITIONS CREATED BY CALKING. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 9–18. DOI: