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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

K. Ashinova

cand. of philol. sciences, associate professor, director of foreign languages training center, KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


This article provides a brief description of semantic processes such as expansion, contraction or specialization of meanings. Nowadays there is no common understanding and continuity of main semantic categories known in the field of linguistics. It is known such categories as sign (symbol), concept, meaning, types of linguistic meanings, absolute and relative semantic content and others are included in that.The main thing in terminology process is word meaning, and it is determined by main featuresof term concept. As a result of semantic development of ancient words and changes in internal semantic structure the new nominative semewill be defined. Language is directly related to processes of differentiation and integration. These processes are characterized by semantic interpretation of language signs in understanding and communication.

The diplomatic terms are formed according to general rules of word formation striving for individuality and stylistic neutrality. The meaning of complex term does not derive from individual meaning of its components. The component function is equal to function of phonemes in single-root terms particularly in distinctive form. The article was prepared on the basis of written sources and literature.
