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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education

U Zhanpeis

doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education

N. Ozekbayeva

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

3The International University of Tourism and Hospitality

Zh. Kuanyshbayevа

master of Pedagogical Sciences


The article deals with issues related to the system structure of the language and the system relations between language units. The authors proceed from the modern understanding of the definition of the lexical-semantic system, which is generally accepted. Three main dimensions of lexical consistency are described: paradigmatic, syntagmatic, and derivational. the basic elements of the linguistic term system are the terms “syntagmatics” and “paradigmatics”.

The essence of paradigmatic relations is the similarity of units under one family and opposites - for others. Syntagmatic relations in the vocabulary are manifested in the vocabulary in the rules of word combination, in their connection with other lexical units within specific utterances.

The article offers a model of lexical presentation taking into account intra-lexical consistency. The functional level of the lexical unit implementation is conditionally accepted as the activity form of the word. Indicators of word assimilation in the process of its gradual transition from the subject form to the activity form were lexical operations that are part of the actions for the perception and generation of speech utterance. The authors describe the experience of developing and using training tasks for the C1 level in accordance with the requirements of the new standard curriculum.

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How to Cite

Жанпейс, У., Озекбаева , Н. and Куанышбаева, Ш. 2021. ACCOUNTING OF THE INTRA-LEXIC SYSTEM IN THE PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Jun. 2021), 327–334. DOI: