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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published May 2024
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

To this day, ever since humanity became human, adults have been teaching children to work to prepare for adulthood. Over the centuries, societies have changed, and things have become more complicated. The knowledge and types of work used, the skills and tools needed to do the job have also changed. There is a learning technology that contributes to changing the complexity, volume and con-tent of the work. Over time, a person's thinking also changes, he has his pros and cons, but professors such as Alma Kyraubayeva not only described the change, but also offered prerequisites for its preparation. The main goal of modern education, according to innovators, is to create conditions for intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educa-tional needs and interests. Education, which provides a child's acquaintance with the world of human values, forming a positive life experience, refers to one of the most important tools as an ancient litera-ture that forms the core of national education. This article examines the integration of ancient literature and national education based on the research of Professor Alma Kyraubayeva. The article discusses the integration of scientific and literary knowledge, which contribute to improving the effectiveness of education in general. Ancient literature as a way and practice of the people increases the cognitive creative activity of the younger generation. Ancient literature is the fate of the people, the understanding of which opens the meaning of their life to students, allows them to take a place in life, use all opportunities for self-realization. These opportunities are unique in their cultural and social aspects. In order to organize the development of masterpieces of ancient literature, it is necessary to interact with various sciences as an educational system of the younger generation. This may be the interaction of historical science and literature, or pedagogy and music. Modern society needs a person who is able to think independently, set new tasks for himself and society and find solutions to them, is ready for special individual and collective work, understands the impact of his actions on himself, other people and the world around him.

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How to Cite

Кумисбекова Ж., Ж. and Оразбаева, Ф. 2024. INTEGRATION OF ANCIENT LITERATURE AND NATIONAL EDUCATION IN A. KYRAUBAYEVA’S TEACHING TECHNOLOGY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 87, 1 (May 2024), 80–90. DOI: