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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences

Editorial policy of the journal



The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific and analytical materials in the field of linguistics, literary studies, problems of pedagogy and methodology, journalism, and translation studies.

Journal tasks:

  • reflect the results of research, scientific-practical and experimental activities of actively working scientists-doctors and candidates of science, young researchers-doctoral students, undergraduates actively engaged in scientific and innovative activities;
  • to promote the main achievements of national and world university and branch science in the field of new humanitarian research;
  • inform the scientific community in the field of progressive developments and innovative research;
  • to promote the development of scientific research through the coverage of the scientific activities of specialists in the scientific fields provided for by the subject of the journal;
  • to focus the attention of scientists and specialists to the current problems of science;
  • provide an opportunity to publish original scientific articles and reviews;
  • promote the main achievements of modern science;
  • purposefully work towards expanding the geography of incoming articles and deepening contacts with the world scientific community in philological and methodological areas;
  • ensure effective research activities at Abai KazNPU;
  • to form a scientific community united by the subject matter of the journal.

Frequency of issue: 4 times a year.


Bulletin of KazNPU im. The Abai series "Philological Sciences" is published at intervals of 4 times a year in the online (electronic) format in the following deadlines for the publication of issues of the journal:

No. 1-March

No. 2-June

No. 3-September

No. 4-December

For publication in the journal, articles not previously published by the author (s) in Kazakh, Russian or English are accepted, which correspond to the thematic areas of the journal and are designed strictly according to the requirements of the manuscript design. The manuscript of a scientific article is submitted to the editorial board by the author for correspondence (determined from among the authors of the manuscript) at least 1.5-2 months before the next issue of the journal is published.

The manuscript must be uploaded via the OJS electronic platform by the author for correspondence, indicating all the published articles and their authors.

The author (s) must submit to the editorial board an original work that has not previously been published in other publications (in print, electronic and other open sources). The authors are responsible for the reliability, novelty, and evidence-based nature of the research results. At the stage of consideration of the manuscript by the editorial board and reviewers of the journal, as well as after its publication, the authors undertake not to submit this manuscript for consideration for publication in another publication.

At the stages of working with the manuscript, communication between the editorial board, the author for correspondence and the reviewers is carried out through the electronic (online) platform OJS.

The editorial board of the journal reviews the manuscripts received from the author/ authors, organizes their review and makes a decision on publication or refusal of publication within two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript via the electronic platform.

Articles submitted for publication in a scientific journal undergo a three-step review before they are fully accepted for publication.

At the first stage, the articles are submitted to the technical editor of the journal. At this stage, the design of articles is checked according to the Rules for authors. If the articles are not issued on demand, the technical editor has the right to reject them until they fully meet the requirements.

At the second stage, the technical editor checks all the submitted articles in a special Anti-Plagiarism system to detect text borrowings. If the articles do not reach the required indicator of 70% percent, the technical editor has the right to reject them before the required indicator is met.

The final decision on the acceptance of the manuscript for publication is made by the editor-in-Chief.


Journal Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. The series "Philological Sciences" provides open access to its content on the official website of the journal. This provides a wider information access to the journal in the global scientific community.

The journal's website also provides the necessary information for authors and readers about the journal's activities: publication conditions, rules for registration and submission of manuscripts to the journal, the procedure for forming the journal and reviewing manuscripts, publication ethics, information about the editorial board, contact details of the scientific editor and executive secretary.

Readers and authors can get acquainted with electronic versions of the current issue of the journal and archives for previous periods. All publications of the journal in electronic form are distributed free of charge and without restrictions under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCBY-NC-ND 4.0).


Authors should make sure that they have submitted a completely original work and, if they use the works or statements of other authors, provide appropriate bibliographic references or citations. Plagiarism can exist in many forms-from presenting someone else's work as an author's work to copying or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's work without attribution, as well as claiming their own rights to the results of someone else's research. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical and unacceptable on the pages of the journal.

Politics of the scientific journal " Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. The Philological Sciences series in the field of publication ethics is based on the recommendations and standards of The Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (The Committee on Publication Ethics –COPE).


Authors of articles of the journal " Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. The Philological Sciences series reserves the author's right to the scientific work and grants the journal the right of first publication together with the work, simultaneously licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

The authorship of the manuscript belongs to those researchers who participated directly in the creation of the manuscript, in the formation of the idea, in the writing of the article, in the interpretation of the results and made a significant contribution to obtaining scientific results.

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, the authors retain the rights to their manuscripts, while allowing everyone to freely download, reuse, reprint, change, distribute or copy them with a mandatory mark of authorship of this work and a link to a unique publication in this journal. For all these actions, when specifying a link to the journal, permission from the authors or publisher is not required.

The authors retain the right to distribute their article in other sources (for example, in the institutional archive, social networks, etc.) with a mandatory link to its original publication in this journal.


Information about the authors – their names, affiliation, contact information, information about their position and academic degree, as well as links to the identifiers of the authors ' profiles in international databases are placed in the article in the section "Information about authors".

Members of the editorial board of the journal " Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. The series "Philological Sciences" does not disclose information about the accepted manuscript before its publication to third parties, except for the appointed reviewers. Also, the editorial board does not disclose information about reviewers to authors and other persons.

These and other norms of behavior of participants in the publication process, namely the principles, norms and standards of behavior of authors, members of the editorial board, the publisher and reviewers are based on the Ethics of publication


Scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the scientific journal " Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. The series "Philological sciences", which meet the formal requirements, the requirements for registration and the indicator of originality on the basis of verification through the system of verification for plagiarism, pass a two-way anonymous ("blind») peer review. The reviewer is provided with the manuscript for review without specifying the names of the authors. The correspondence between the executive secretary and the reviewer takes place via the e-mail address in the electronic editorial office on the journal's website. Review of articles is carried out by specialists in the relevant industry who have published on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 5 years. In case of two negative reviews, the manuscript is rejected from publication in the journal.

The results of the review are confidential. If there is a conflict of interest, reviewers are not allowed to review the manuscript.


The cost of editorial and publishing services for conducting prepress preparation of the publication (proofreading, layout, checking the metadata of articles, etc.) is 1000 tenge for one A4 page for authors from Abai KazNPU and 1500 tenge for third - party authors. Payment is made after receiving a positive review and the decision of the editorial board of the journal to publish the article in a particular issue by transfer with the note " Payment of the registration fee to the journal phil.sciences" to the university's bank account.


All journal articles are assigned a DOI, and authors are registered in the CrossRef database (if desired). The cost of registration of DOI is 2000 tenge per article, registration of one author in the CrossRef database is 2000 tenge. Payment is made by transfer marked "DOI payment" to the bank account of the university.


This section is based on the materials of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).