Guide for Authors
When writing the article, we ask authors to follow the following rules: the text of the manuscript of 7-20 pages should be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows. Font Times New Roman, 12-point font; line spacing - single line; full justification; paragraph indentation - 1 cm. All margins - 2 cm; pages are not numbered; illustrative material is printed in italics and without quotation marks. Articles are accepted for publication in Kazakh, Russian, English and other foreign languages. The article is submitted in electronic format (doc, docx, rtf formats) only by uploading it through the functionality of the journal's website using the Open Journal System, an online submission. To do this, you need to Log in or Register.
The originality of the text is not less than 75%. No more than 2 co-authors are allowed.
Requirements for article formatting:
IRSTI (Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information) of the printed material (left alignment);
Information about authors: surname(s), first name, patronymic of the author(s) in the language of the published material (in italics, paragraph 1 cm in the middle); information about two authors is accompanied by indices (for example, Suleimenova A.Zh.,1 Mondybaeva S.B.2);
On the next line - the full name of the university or organization, city, country (data on each author are given on a separate line, text alignment in the middle);
On the next line - academic degree, title (if available), e-mail of the author(s) (in italics, 1 cm in the middle);
Skipping one line, there is the TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (in capital letters in the language of the published material, in bold, full justification);
Skipping one line, there is an abstract (the abstract is given in the language of the published material) - 7-10 sentences (100-150 words). The abstract should not be italicized, underlined, etc. The text should not be divided into paragraphs;
Abstracts in the other two languages should also be given by skipping one line. There should be an indication that this is an abstract in Kazakh (Andatpa) / English (Abstract) / Russian (Annotatsiya);
On the next line, there are 7-10 keywords in the language of the published material. There should be an indication that these are keywords (Tuiyin sozder / Kluchevye slova / Keywords). Keywords should not be italicized or bolded. Keywords should not contain formulas or figures;
Skipping one line, there is the text of the article. After the keywords, you should present the text of the article itself.
The text of the article must be presented in the following sequence:
Vvedenie (if the text is in Russian) / Kırıspe (if the text is in Kazakh) / Introduction (if the text is in English);
Metodika (if the text is in Russian) / Adısteme (if the text is in Kazakh) / Methods (if the text is in English);
Rezultaty (if the text is in Russian) / Natijeler (if the text is in Kazakh) / Results (if the text is in English);
Obsujdenie (if the text is in Russian) / Talqylau (if the text is in Kazakh) / Discussion (if the text is in English);
Zakluchenie (if text in Russian) / Qorytyndy (if text in Kazakh) / Conclusion (if the text is in English).
The volume of the section (introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion) should be at least 150 words.
Paragraphs ("new line") should be inserted automatically, not by using the "space" key.
Double or triple spaces are not allowed.
When abbreviations are used for the first time, it is obligatory to indicate their decoding.
In the Russian version of the article only this kind of quotation mark «…..» is widely used, in the English version - “…..”.
The text may contain tables with captions that should be given above the table with width alignment. Text formatting in tables: single spacing, font 10 Times New Roman. In the text, it is necessary to put a reference to the figure with the number of the figure. All components of formulas should be executed in the macro "Microsoft equation" (Word program). Graphic drawings should be of good quality. If there are inscriptions, the text should be displayed. The number of figures is not limited, the resolution is not less than 300 dpi. The number of tables and formulas is not restricted.
Note. Avoid shortening the names of tables, figures, and equations (i.e., Tab. 1, Fig. 2, Eq. 3) in the caption or the text. Do not write "in the table above/below" or "in the figure on page 2" because the position and page number of the table or figure may change during layout.
The list of references should be presented in the original language (Kazakh, Russian, English) and the common English transliteration.
References to the literature are given in the text in square brackets as they are mentioned [1, 25] (the first digit denotes the number of the source in the list, the second - the page of the source). Literature is given at the end of the article in the order of citation.
The reference list should contain at least 5-6 sources. Self-citation of no more than 1-2 sources. At least 2-3 sources are works published in the last 5-10 years (2015-2020). When borrowing material from other sources, reference to these sources is required. It is recommended to cite sources published in English, but it is not obligatory.
The article receipt date is considered as the last version submitted after revision.
The frequency of the journal is 4 times a year (March, June, September, and December). Deadlines for article submission:
1 quarter – until 10th February
2 quarter – until 10th May
3 quarter – until 10th September
4 quarter – until 10th November
Article withdrawal (retraction) is used to prevent cases of duplicate publications (when authors submit the same data for multiple publications), plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest, and inaccurate data that affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations for its use.
Grounds for an article withdrawal (retraction):
- detection of plagiarism in the article;
- duplication of the article in different editions;
- detection of serious errors (misinterpretation of results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;
- detection of falsifications or fabrications in the text of the article; - overindulgence of AI (ChatGPT);
- incorrect representation of the composition of the authors;
- the presence of a conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);
- re-publication of the article without the consent of the co-author.
An article withdrawal (retraction) may be initiated:
- by an official appeal letter from the author of the article;
- by an official appeal letter from the editorial board of another journal;
- by the appeal letter from other persons (participants of the conflict of interest) in the presence of evidence of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article;
- in case the editorial board detects the facts of violation of scientific ethics by the author.
The order of an article withdrawal (retraction):
- After an appeal of the author or another person, the editorial board appoints a commission to verify the data.
- In case of a decision to withdraw (retract) an article, the minutes of the editorial board meeting indicate the reason and date of withdrawal (retraction). The minutes are submitted to the Committee Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for entering the information into the unified database of retracted articles. Information about the withdrawn texts is transferred to the scientometric databases and libraries where the journal is placed.
- In case of serious moral damage to the parties to the conflict of interest, information about the violation of research ethics can be transferred to the author's place of work.
- The editorial board reserves the right to decide on further cooperation with the author of the retracted article.
Corrections, apologies, rebuttal
Grounds for making corrections to a published article:
- errors detected invalidate the work, but a small part of the publication is found to be inaccurate;
- there are errors in the list of authors;
- a small part of the article turns out to be plagiarized;
- an article is found published in another journal.
Corrections are placed in the "News" section as an editorial comment. In the commentary to the article, the commentary is given to the original phrase from the article. The online version of the material is corrected with the date of correction and a link to the printed source of the typo.
If falsified material is found in published articles, the relevant editorial commentary explains why the article is retracted or apologized with a link to the article.