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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published December 2023
University of Zagreb

Jasmina Vojvodic

Doctor of Philology, Professor


Russian literature has undergone significant transformations in recent years, reflecting social, political and cultural changes: at the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, Russian literature became more diverse and reflected various trends and trends. A wide range of themes, styles and genres can be found in the literature of this period. Deindustrialization, as a clear opposition to classical literature, is one of the possible transformations. Moreover, as we have already seen, detribalization, like a double-edged sword, is a kind of preservation of tradition. In order to destroy the old literature, its existence is necessary. It is impossible to live without classics. Transformation and debiblification are precisely the existence of a tradition, which, paradoxically, is reinforced by all sorts of reinterpretations. These are just general trends, and further study of modern Russian literature requires a more in-depth analysis.

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How to Cite

Войводич, Я. 2023. RUSSIAN LITERARY TRANSFORMATIONS OF MODERN TIMES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 86, 4 (Dec. 2023), 23–35. DOI: