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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published November 2023
Almaty branch of the ST-Petersburg Humanitarian university of trade unions

Indira Muratbayeva

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


The introduction of a new alphabet based on Latin graphics for the current time is associated with many sociological, economic, linguistic and other related problems. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the experience of the past, since the introduction of Latin graphics in 1929 was also saturated with various previous events, which reflected many contradictory opinions and views. The diachronic analysis of the reforms of the Kazakh script during the introduction of the Latin alphabet in the pre-war years makes it possible to understand and identify the strengths and weaknesses of opponents who in their speeches argumentatively expressed their beliefs and views. Their arguments in favor of one or another opinion makes it possible to more deeply understand their point of view, the reason for their choice of one or another position, the level of language competence.

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How to Cite

Муратбаева, И. 2023. REFORMS OF KAZAKH WRITING: A DIACHRONIC DIGRESSION. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 85, 3 (Nov. 2023), 27–35. DOI: