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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published September 2023

The theme of the article is connected with stylistics, a system of coordinated, interrelated and inter-conditioned language means intended to fulfill a specific function of communication and aiming at a certain effect. The given article has its topicality determined by the fact that it is the stylistic aspect of language, which is responsible not only for the translation from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL), but for a translator’s skills. The translation of the original depends on the translator’s ability to render the meaning of stylistic devices (SDs). The function of stylistic devices is to beautify and embellish the text, to create a powerful visual image. The practical value of this research work is improving translation skills and better knowledge of English; the research material can be used for stylistics lessons and seminars, for compilation of work-books and training manuals in theory and practice of translation. The article has the theoretical value as well, which consists in fact that the research makes it possible to enlarge and enrich the knowledge of rendering stylistic devices and can help in translation of works of belles-lettres.

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How to Cite

Konstantinova О. 2023. TRANSFER OF STYLISTIC DEVICES IN TRANSLATION OF BELLES-LETTRES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 84, 2 (Sep. 2023), 78–84. DOI: