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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2023

Traditional description and systematization are insufficient today to fully reveal the nature of language, in addition, it has become known about the importance of the mechanisms of action, the use of language. To achieve this goal, the object of research should be speech, it is known that speech is closely related to a person's mental activity, his goal, desire, strategy, and communicative types of the speaker. People plan speech activity by choosing a certain type of speech activity. The concept of strategy in linguistics arises in connection with the activity of speech planning.

The term "strategy" has become a concept widely used in the works of linguists. In linguistics, the concept is used in the following meanings: 1) global communicative intention, a speech mechanism used to make changes in the addressee's consciousness and build a model of the world; 2) the principle of conflict management in political relations; 3) a global model of organizing intercultural business communication; 4) the implementation of the phatic function of Despite the ambiguity of the word strategy, in its lexical meaning there is the concept of integrated planning of activities in achieving a specific goal.

This article discusses the speech strategies of users of social networks and their corresponding communicative types. Communication in the social network is carried out through three main channels: private messages (private), news (public), comments (public discussions). The article describes the strategic orientation of Network users based on these communication channels and, accordingly, their communicative types. The main communicative types of users of social networks are active commentators.

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How to Cite

Курманбекова, З. and Сарекенова, К. 2023. COMMUNICATIVE TYPES OF SOCIAL NETWORKS USERS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 83, 1 (Jun. 2023), 111–122. DOI: