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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2023

The given work enables to define value of the book in cultural space. Here from the scientific point of view becoming and development of the book in a history of culture is considered, his research on to a basis is given.

Leaning on proceedings of foreign and Kazakhstan scientists the authors proves, that occurrence and development of apublishing house originates since the most ancient times. Alongside with it the history of book publishing is considered as a history of culture.

The overall objective of the given work, called to lift culture of the Kazakh book publishing - to bring in the feasible contribution to business of a raising of national spirit and patriotism, truthfully to propagandize achievements of our independent Republic in cultural and social branches, to lift culture of bibliology.

The culture of the Kazakh book, finally, is a culture of the nation, the keeper of this culture, the founder of national mentality, the founder of human advantage and a social basis of his life. She acquaints the population with products of authors, brings up everyone in spirit of national con- sciousness, creates bases culturologists, directs development of culture to a world civilization.

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How to Cite

Курманбаева, А., Жаппар, К. and Алдабергенкызы, Л. 2023. CULTURAL MODERNISATIONS IN SOCIETY AND HUMANISATION OF BOOK CULTURE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 83, 1 (Jun. 2023), 104–110. DOI: