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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2023
University «Turan» ,Almaty, Kazakhstan

In 20s of  XX century the slogan that the literature should defend only proletariats’ interests was proclaimed and the name of  “left feudalists” was given to many talented writers of that time, who had their own opinion. One of those bright literal people was Ydyrys Mustambayev, who was under the ideological pressure  and whose name was undeservedly forgotten for a long period of time. Nowadays, the studying of his literary heritage is very actual for future development of Kazakh study of literature.

In the last years of his life, he was engaged in Soviet, party and economic activities. Mustanbayev was repeatedly expelled from the party on charges of "sadvakasovism" because of disagreement with the policy of the party and the government on the land issue, class struggle in rural areas, confiscation of the rich, the national policy of the head of the regional government F. I. Goloshchekin.

Mustanbayev took an active part in the literary life of Kazakhstan, protecting the literary heritage of Abai, A. Baitursynov, M. Zhumabayev from attacks by Soviet and ideological bodies.

Keywords: critic, art literatura, discussion, spiritual wealth, Abaimanagement, the national interest.

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How to Cite

Толегенов Т.К. 2023. FAMILIARITY WITH THE WORKS OF ALASH ARYS . BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 82 (Jun. 2023), 23–29. DOI: