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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences

Features of the use of terminological phrases expressing the meaning of belonging, property relations

Published June 2023
Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

The article discusses the peculiarities of the use of terms expressing the meaning of belonging, property relations used in the educational process in the discipline of professionally oriented Russian language. On the basis of various studies, the author indicates the relevance of modern teaching methods in the formation of cognitive and creative activity, in increasing professional competence, personal-oriented development. Within the framework of university education, the body of knowledge, skills and relationships that are designed to ensure the effectiveness of students in the process of independent creative work is determined. The theoretical language materials on belonging and property relations studied in the article contribute to a wide historical study of the grammatical sphere of modern Kazakh and Russian languages, to a certain extent contribute to understanding the specifics of each of the compared languages, comprehending their characteristics.

Keywords: belonging relationships, terminology, sentence structure, syntactic constructions, collocation formation, lexical-morphological structure

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How to Cite

Нұрпейісова С.К. 2023. Features of the use of terminological phrases expressing the meaning of belonging, property relations. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 81 (Jun. 2023), 21–31. DOI: