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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021

G Zaysanbayeva

candidate of Philological Sciences.


G Akimzhanova

master's degree student,


The purpose of the research is to reveal the meaning of the terms of word-formation motivation as an important scientific component in the linguistic analysis of the study of the process of creating derivative words. The article identifies extralinguistic factors that contribute to determining the motivation of nominative units as the basis of the lexical meaning of words.

The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of a methodology for analyzing the word-formation processes of nominative units in the Kazakh language. As a result, the conditions for the formation of the internal form of words are described, which show the connection between word formation and the creation of a language picture of the world, as a factor determining the linvocultural features of the Kazakh people.

The motivation of words determines the anthropocentricity of the formation of lexical units and is considered as the rationality of the relationship between the sound shell and the meaning of words. By studying the motivation of words, we can understand what meaning is the basis for this name, how much it has changed, that is, the motivation of the semantics of the word is analyzed synchronously.

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How to Cite

Зайсанбаева, Г. and Акимжанова, Г. 2021. WORD FORMATION MOTIVATION OF DERIVED WORDS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Jun. 2021), 70–74. DOI: