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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
1A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

А Dossova

candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


In connection with the context of the nation-language-culture connection, special attention was paid to the world of the native speaker, this led to the fusion of linguistics with other sciences. As a result of this, the integrative nature of linguistic research is being formed in modern linguistics. Among them is the sphere of cultural linguistics, which considers language as a symbol of national worldview, culture, history, ethnic spirit. In the context of Ethnolinguistics, the continuity of the language culture is clearly manifested. Studying the work of the scientist AkhmetBaitursynov from such a new cognitive point of view, within the framework of a new paradigm, is of great importance. In A. Baitursynov's work «Literaturestudies», there are linguistic units that reveal the national worldview. Therefore, the analysis and disclosure of the ethnolinguistic nature of the scientist's heritage determines the relevance of our work.

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How to Cite

Досова , А. 2021. ETHNOLINGUISTIC ASPECT OF WORK OF A.BAITURSYNOV «LITERATURE STUDIES». BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Jun. 2021), 26–32. DOI: .