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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published September 2020
Taraz Regional University named after M.H. Dulati,

N Asilbekova

candidate of philology, associate professor


This article discusses in more detail the derivational methods of anthroponyms in the Kazakh language. Synthetic word formation is also complicated by the meaning and individuality of personal names. Here the suffix is ​​the causal basis of the lexical meaning, and the suffix adds its meaning. The new secondary meaning is created by the derivational meaning of the suffix.

Professor A. Salkynbai writes in detail in his work "Word formation of the Kazakh language" that the meaning of the causal root is broader than the meaning of the derived word. Based on this theory, it is easy to see that the same conclusion applies to the synthetic method of personal names.

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How to Cite

Асильбекова, Н. 2020. WORD EDUCATIONAL METHODS OF ANTHROPONYMS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Sep. 2020), 9–14. DOI: