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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published December 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

О. Imangali

doctoral student of the 1st year

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

S. Asylbekuly

Doctor of Philological Sciences


The story is a small volume type of prose, compact, easy to read. At the present stage, the reader's interest in the small genre of prose, which can be seen in the Tom-Tom novels, is especially in demand. Therefore, the study of modern stories is relevant. The main purpose of the research article is to identify the features of life phenomena and author's ideas that make up the content of modern stories. The research was based on stories published in the newspaper” Kazakh Adebieti " over the past five years. The life situations that served as the basis for the conversations were grouped depending on the thematic specifics. The author's views on the topics are systematized and defined. One of the main tasks of the writer is to introduce national interest to the work. The modern story reveals the writers ' position on the causes of various changes in society, the market, scientific progress, contradictions in the correlation of political and social events with the system of national values. One of the main tasks of the research is also to differentiate the features of reflecting the reality of life in synchronous conversations that were censored or written on historical, environmental topics about the abuses of the Soviet government to the Kazakh people during the Soviet period. Behavioral changes and the influence of social aspects on human psychology are analyzed from the point of view of human science. The thematic sphere and actual ideas of modern conversations are discursively analyzed.

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How to Cite

Иманғали , Ө. and Асылбекұлы , С. 2021. THEMATIC RANGE AND ACTUAL IDEAS OF MODERN KAZAKH STORIES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 76 (Dec. 2021), 71–80. DOI: