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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

F. Orazbaeva

Doctor of Philology, professor


The article discusses communicative units, which are the main indicators of linguistic communication, and also describes the functions, features, importance and place of communicative units in communication. Communicative units of the language are words, sentences, text and phraseological units, each of which requires individual study. Accordingly, the article examines the relationship of phraseological units with the communicative, emotional and expressive functions of the language. Focusing on the types of phrases and idioms of the phraseology of the Kazakh language, their similarities and differences were identified. The opinions of scientists about the semantic meaning, cognitive, emotional, expressive shades of phraseological expressions are analyzed, examples are given. The features, use, methods of creating phraseological units with the quality of personalization are analyzed. The communicative activity of phraseological units, the positive cognitive function, the pragmatic purpose of the sentence were studied. Phraseological phrases are grouped by communicative function.

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