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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan Uni versi ty, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

А. Saganaeva

master of Pedagogical Sciences

Kazakh Nati onal Pedagogi cal Uni versi ty named after Abai , Almaty, Kazakhstan

R. Shakhanova

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The arti cle exami nes the stages of development of world chi ldren's li terature i n accordance wi th the trends of the formati on of “uni versal li terature”. Chi ldren's li terature i s extremely di verse i n genre and subject matter. The best wri ters around the world devote thei r talent to i t, because they understand that the future of humani ty i s i n the hands of the younger generati on. Wi th the development of reali sti c tendenci es, the deepeni ng of psychologi sm i n the li terature for chi ldren, a volumi nous, multi faceted i mage of chi ldhood i s confi rmed. I n thi s wri ters reveal the ori gi ns of human development, penetrate i nto the i nner world of the chi ld, comprehendi ng the complexi ty and depth of character of young people, show how personali ty i s formed i n the struggle between li ght and dark began as i t percei ves the joy and sorrow of the world, i ts harmony and contradi cti ons. The mai n thi ng that determi nes the creati vi ty of the best wri ters i s trust i n chi ldhood, respect for a growi ng person, the abi li ty to see i n i t potenti al opportuni ti es and maki ngs, development prospects.

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How to Cite

Саганаева, А. and Шаханова, Р.А. 2021. DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD CHI LDREN’S LI TERATURE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 275–280. DOI: