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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

А. Mynbayeva


South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

А. Kudasbekova



Text linguistics is closely related to the teaching and theory of text. The shape of both is the same. The theory of the text selects the text from a structural and service side. In structural research, the text draws attention to the main areas. Connectedness is that it is correctly worded, incorrectly worded. What are the elements and what is the nature of the relationship between them? What does it do? it is taken to answer.

Among the indicators of personal development of students, it is especially important to distinguish an educational component. He is connected with the tasks of deep development of his national culture and free mastery of his native language. In some cases, misunderstandings between the cultural and linguistic code can have a negative impact on the relationship between people, which is why many scientists are currently engaged in research on the interaction of cultural and linguistic codes. As the national cultural code is most clearly manifested in the literature, the authors of the article refer to the method of its study in a modern school. The leading idea of the article is connected with the identification of the educational potential of literary works for the realization of the tasks of spiritual revival.

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How to Cite

Мынбаева , А. and Кудасбекова , А. 2021. CULTURAL CODE AND LANGUAGE IN LANGUAGE SPACE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 127–131. DOI: