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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Institute of Literature named after N. Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Baku, Azerbaijan

B.H. Mamedova (Bardali)

Candidate of philological Sciences, Institute of Literature named after N. Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan.


The article analyzes the poems of the popular Azerbaijani poets Sabir Rustamkhanly and Nurangiz Gyun, who occupy a special place in modern Azerbaijani literature. The poem “Meeting with Orhan” by Sabir Rustamkhanly reflects the historical period of the formation of the Turkic ethnos. The work presented in fiction prose historical facts about the heroic pages of the formation of the great Turkic world, their genealogy, roots, and historical realities of Turkism. The work "Firefly" is dedicated to Mahmudali Chiraganly from South Azerbaijan, his fight against lawlessness and social injustice. Poems Nurangiz Gyun shows the course of the war and its impact on human life. The article also assesses the research of scientists who have determined their views on these works. An analysis of these works suggests that Azerbaijani writers and poets have always sought to embody the basic needs of people in artistic expression in their work. In the period of becoming independent, the first plan included issues of the integrity of the motherland and the problem of independence.

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How to Cite

Мамедова (Бардали), Б.Г. 2021. HISTORICAL POEMS OF THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE OF AZERBAIJAN. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 251–257. DOI: