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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Zh. Tolebayevа

PhD student


Modern linguodidactics is aimed at the formation of competencies that ensure comfortable socialization of students in an actively globalizing world. There is no doubt that the future specialist, thanks to successfully formed communicative skills, will be able to fully realize his professional goals and objectives. Accordingly, the end result of teaching non-native and foreign languages ​​is the formation of communicative competence, the achievement of which is ensured through the successful implementation of linguistic and speech competencies. The complex implementation of the triune task (linguistic, verbal and communicative) is really feasible only when taking into account the specialty mastered by students. In this regard, this article proposes one of the ways of forming the communicative competence of students of art specialties through a system of exercises and typologies of tasks developed by the author using B. Bloom's taxonomy. The main approach is an integrated one, which consists in integrating the acquired special knowledge with the linguistic. At the same time, principles are set that contribute to the mastery of various types of educational activities (listening, reading, writing, speaking). Such training will fill in the gaps in functional literacy, which include language literacy.

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