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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh Nationalpedagogical universitynameda fterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

S. Kurmanbaiuly

Doctor of Philology, professor, members of NAS RK

Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

M. Adilov

PhD, Chief researcher of Nemat Kelimbetov Turkological center of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.



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How to Cite

Құрманбайұлы, Ш. and Адилов, М. 2021. THEUSEOFTHESACRAMENT“THUGIN”INTHEWORKSOFABAI. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 21–34. DOI: