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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

B. Panzabek

РһD student

Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N. Baltabaeva

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University,Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article examines some issues of studying ethnocultural information in the Kazakh ethnographic stories in order to revive the national spirit, knowledge and popularization of national literature and culture. The thematic system of stories is specified, innovative methods and techniques are used through text analysis, from the point of view of knowledge. Artistic searches for ethnographic stories are systematized, structural-semantic, comparative analysis is carried out, and the artistic and aesthetic nature of the works is determined. As a result of studying ethnocultural information in ethnographic stories, the course of formation of national values among students will be discussed.

The article shows how the language of the nation, the spiritual values of the nation, the cultural code of the nation, the cultural identity of the nation, consciousness, customs and traditions of the nation, which form the basis of ethnocultural information, are reflected in conversations. History shows that the authors managed to accurately combine ethnocultural information with the realities of the Kazakh people of that period. It also analyzes the effectiveness of modern technologies in teaching ethnocultural information.

pdf. (Қаз)


How to Cite

Панзабек , Б. and Балтабаева, Н. 2021. METHODS OF TEACHING ETHNIC AND CULTURAL INFORMATION IN THE ETHNOGRAPHIC CONVERSATIONS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 568–574. DOI: