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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

D. Bazarova


Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

K. Raeva


Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

K. Umbetbekova



This article discusses the use of gaming technology in teaching English, their place and effectiveness. In addition, the advantages of gaming technology are discursive personality skills, cognitive activity and one of the most important learning objectives - the main features and possibilities of the formation and formation of student discursive skills.In recent years, the intensive development of computer networks and information and communication technologies (ICT) has opened up additional opportunities in the field of education. They are primarily related to the use of the global computer Internet. Today, information and communication technologies have become an essential condition of modern education, as it has become possible. it helps to increase cognitive interest, develop skills of independent work, search, analyze objects and phenomena, discover sources of information, foster responsibility for obtaining new knowledge and develop the information culture of the individual. This article discusses potential technologies for developing critical thinking using video in high school. In particular, the article deals with the following issues: strategies and technologies of training with video material for the formation of critical thinking (VCTD); also, special attention is paid to the bloom taxonomy as a means of teaching critical thinking.
