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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Wemen's teacher training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

K. Abdikalyk

Candidate of Philology, professor

Kazakh National Wemen's teacher training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zh. Alieva

РһD student

Kazakh National Wemen's teacher training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

M. Kulanova

student,Kazakh National Wemen's teacher training University, Almaty,Kazakhstan.


This article is devoted to the selection of modern teaching and learning methods in the updated educational content, methods for their effective use, the prose works that are studied in the school on Kazakh literature are analyzed. Also addresses the issue of developing students' critical thinking through the effective teaching of art compositions.

The article covers the most effective methods such as reading with stops, the APF debate method (American Parliamentary Format), cubism, evening news when teaching prose works at school and in which classes they are more effective.

The development of students' skills in realizing learning goals and creative abilities, using modern educational technologies in the process of studying art compositions.

pdf. (Қаз)


How to Cite

Әбдіқалық , К., Алиева , Ж. and Куланова, М. 2021. EFFECTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING PROSAIC WORKS AT SCHOOL. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 513–519. DOI: