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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Ardahan University, Ardahan, Turkey

T. Nurgaziyev

РһD student,Ardahan University, Ardahan, Turkey


Tales are historical artifacts that show the growth and prosperity of not only one nation, but all of humanity. In any fairy tale there are such questions as good and evil, wealth and poverty, communication with relatives and the protection of the family and homeland. In addition, fairy tales have a special character that clearly describes the social life of people. Rich / poor, good / bad, educated / uneducated, king / slave, smart / mean. In addition, fairy tales reflect such social problems as infertility, mother’s anxiety about family and children, social features of the child’s consciousness structure, geographical features of social life, in short, a fairy tale reflects the social life of a certain people. The article analyzes social features and provides examples from Kazakh tales. In addition, the article focuses on the storyteller of fairy tales, as he reflects his social problems in the fairy tale. The article examined five tales about Aldar Kos - as a hero-protector of the people i.e. social dreams of the people, geographical features of the image of Alash Khan - urban and nomadic type of khan, the problem of infertility in the fairy tale “Yer Tostik”. The narrator’s social problems were analyzed based on the tale “Who is Strong”.

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How to Cite

Нұрғазиев , Т. 2021. CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF KAZAKH TALES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 459–464. DOI: