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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Abylai Khan Kazakh University of international relations and world languages

S. Zhetpisov

Candidate of Philology


The article examines the issues of Korean-Russian-Kazakh trilingualism since 1937 from the moment of the forced resettlement of Koreans from the Far East to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The study examined the functioning of the Korean language for 80 years, Korean living in Kazakhstan. The factors that determined the interaction of the three languages ​​are primarily the daily communication of Koreans with Kazakhs, Russians and other peoples of Kazakhstan. The political factor also plays an important role, since the majority of the non-Kazakh population was resettled to Kazakhstan as a result of state policy. The geographical factor, compactness of settlement, linguistic contacts of Koreans and Kazakhs with other peoples, school education, the presence of an intermediary language, the media, as well as the language policy pursued in different periods of the country's history are also important.
