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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau StateUniversity, Atyrau, Kazakhstan

Zh. Kenzhebayeva

master, Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, Atyrau, Kazakhstan

University of International business, Almaty, Kazakhstan

M. Koishibayeva

master, University of International business, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The article explores one of the most famous works of outstanding Kazakh writer A.Kekilbayev - the story "Well" - which combines in-depth psychological analysis and philosophical thinking of human being. The representatives of different types of art like theatre and cinema, appealed to this story, stress the depth and importance of this work.

The aim of the work is to analyze the image of the main character of the story Ensep, who is the well digger. The well is a metaphor: digging the land in the depth is immersion in the hidden corners of the soul, understanding of his own essence. However, this reflection did not lead him to moral cleansing, as he discovered destructive chases of envy, greed, vanity and pride.

It is noted that readers’ perception of the main character, as well as the artistic skill of the writer, who recreated the complex dialectic of life, is ambiguous.

It is stated, on the example of complex Ensep 's image, that the talent given to man by the nature should be directed to higher values, service to people, creativity. Otherwise, human life is meaningless, and talent – is not a reward, but a great ordeal.

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How to Cite

Кенжебаева , Ж. and Қойшыбаева, М. 2021. TRAGEDY OF A TALENT. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 408–414. DOI: