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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan

G. Askarova

Candidate of Philology, Kazakh National University Al-Farabi,Almaty, Kazakhstan;


The article ideologically analyzes the artistic techniques of Omer Seyfeddin, the founder of the genre of the Turkish realist novel, as well as valuable works created by him in this small genre. Analyzing the ambitious spirit and heroic pathos of the Turkish ethnos in the writer's works published in the Kazakh language “Rower”, “Ambassador”, “Martyr”, the author expresses the emotional and expressive influence of patriotism. The article considers the relevance of teaching the works of O. Seyfeddin, who occupies a special place in the literature with his colorful works.It is alleged that the author intends to educate the next generation in patriotism, honesty and heroism, glorifying and promoting the heroic deeds of those who sacrificed their lives for the unity and freedom of the country and put their lives above the interests of the nation. Eternity of humanistic works of the outstanding writer of the fraternal Turkish people O. Seyfeddin proved.

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How to Cite

Асқарова, Г. 2021. HEROIC SPIRIT IN THE STORIES OF OMER SЕYFEDDIN. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 404–408. DOI: