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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National University named al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan

S. Yerzhanova

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Kazakh National University named al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A. Zhutayeva

РһD student, Kazakh National University named al-Farabi,Almaty, Kazakhstan.


This article deals with the relationship between the author`s view concerning the main idea and its impact on the reader in contemporary Kazakh prose. Features of postmodernism and its characteristic features are widely reflected in contemporary Kazakh prose. Particularly, an apolitical view and aesthetic effect establish strong connection between author and reader. The author`s apolitical point of view (approach) is directly related to the conveying themain points of idea in the process of writing. The personal opinion of the author is the main foundation for the theme and ideas of the work. The reader receives an aesthetic impression from the author’s worldview. Two categories, integrating, convey to us the relevance of a work. All these are postmodern features inherent in modern Kazakh prose.

This article identifies the differences in the detailed and mental picture of the post-modernism of modern Kazakh literature and also describes their manifestations in prose scenes. The author analyzed the main problems of the writer's laboratory and discussed the idea of a postmodernist trend.

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How to Cite

Ержанова, С. and Жутаева , А. 2021. APOLITICAL APPROACH AND AESTHETIC EFFECT IN CONTEMPORARY KAZAKH PROSE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 393–399. DOI: