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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published July 2021
Mingachevir State University, Azerbaijan, Baku

F. Namazova

 candidate of Philological Sciences, Mingachevir State University, Azerbaijan, Baku.


Addressing the specific problems of dramatic creativity, we must first determine the basic meaning of the term "drama". As we know, the word "drama" has different meanings. We also call a certain range of real events, for example, the drama of life, one of the genres of the dramatic type of literature (the noble drama of the eighteenth century) and the dramatic theater, which is the leading type of performing arts. Dramatic works are fundamentally different from other genres. As early as the 19th century, the great thinker MFAkhundov distinguished the genre of drama he brought to our literature from other genres in terms of language and style. Both in his article "Fihristi-kitab" and in his "critique" of Mirza Malkum khan's plays, he clearly showed the "conditions of dramatic art".

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How to Cite

Namazova, F. 2021. CHARACTERISTICS OF DRAMA GENRE AND DRAMA LANGUAGE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 1, 1(75) (Jul. 2021), 79–84. DOI: