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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Кazakh National Pedagogical University after Abay

Z. Yeshimbetova

Candidate of Philology, assoc prof

Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay

Zh. Kulekenova

Candidate of Philology, Senior lecturer


The article considers the problems of developing students' reading comprehension skills in learning a foreign language Reading is the most important skill in English language in comparison with other language skills in acquiring language. If students are good at reading, they will be good at other language skills (writing, speaking, and listening). For this reason teachers of English language should focus on this skill and know strategies to develop this skill, how to work on it, how to improve learners’ reading skills and how to organize the process of acquiring the language at the lessons while working with the text.The main stages of working at reading text and activities to develop learners’ reading comprehension are suggested in the article.



How to Cite

Yeshimbetova , Z. and Kulekenova , Z. 2021. STRATEGIES TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 67–69. DOI: