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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

К. Esenova

Doctor of Philology, professor


The article analyzes the scientific conclusions of the linguist-scientist, linguoculturologist, doctor of philological sciences, professor Zhamal Aitkalievna Mankeeva, who made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh linguistics, expanding the Kazakh vocabulary and studying the potential and vitality of the Kazakh word. Zhamal Aitkalievna is a follower of the founders of Kazakh lexicology and ethnolinguistics A. Kaidar, M. Balakaev, I. Kenesbaev. The scientist's research is one of the most significant works in the training of modern linguists and ethnolinguists. We see that a number of linguistic units in the Kazakh lexicon have been revived and modernized today with the help of Zh. Mankeeva's methods of ethnolinguistic analysis and methods for determining the cultural meaning of words. The article presents samples for analysis proposed by the scientist. The article also offers an opinion on the training of personnel, on the apprenticeship of the scientist Zh. Mankeeva and on the valuable methods of scientific consulting. It tells not only the study of science, but also the priorities of the continuation of scientific research, the expansion of research in the field of Kazakh ethnolinguistics and linguoculturology in the direction of the scientist Zh.Mankeyeva.

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