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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kyzylorda state University Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan

U. Zhanbershieva

Сandidate of philological Sciences, Professor,Kyzylorda state University Korkyt Ata,Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan


With help of Zhyraus poetry we are talking about the past our country. It is worth noting that due to the breedom of speech, protection and power of art of Zhyrau.

In this article considered fetures literature of khanate period. Also, there is ascending role of national literature.

Poetry zhyrau period of the khanate spiritually enriches reader with it’s deep philosophical didactic content.

The motives of zhyrau poetry reflected the independence of the nativeland and people;s unity.

In article the author provided an overview of basic research in the Kazakh poetry zhyrau science, and also expressed their views on the matter. Furthermore the author made the artistic analysis of some of the famous zhyrau: Asan kaigy, Kaztugan, Dospambet, Akhtamberdy, Bukhar and assessed their creativity. The article defines the place and role of poetry zhyrau Khan;s period in Kazakh literature.

pdf. (Қаз)