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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National University

А. Bokhanova

senior lecturer, PhD

Abai Kazakh National University

А. Nurbayeva

senior lecturer, PhD


The relevance of the research is determined by the need to improve the economic literacy of the population, economic communications, and therefore study the specifics of discursive practices recorded in the economic media text. This will allow us to form full-fledged axiological guidelines in the economic sphere as a whole, including in the aspect of the process of deprivation, and on this basis form a fragment of the value picture of the world. It will undoubtedly be able to affect the material well-being of both the individual and the entire society as a whole.

Since superfluous semantics basically contains a negative connotation, and the reader, perceiving the economic event described, introduces it into a certain social context, it is necessary to study the reader's perception of statements with superfluous semantics. This can help to improve the content and formal means used, as well as the methods of presenting economic information in Newspapers.

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How to Cite

Боханова , А. and Нурбаева , А. 2021. PRESENTATION OF SEMANTIC CATEGORIES OF EXCLUSIVITY IN ECONOMIC DISCOURSE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 48–53. DOI: